Day 2 all day Science

Hola from Costa Rica! Woke up with smiles and sunshine before six am!!! (at least half of us did). Those of us who rised and shined with the sun were able to enjoy some quality time with a few of the cows here at UGA. The unique experience of milking the cows was both hard and something we need to work on, but the cute little calves (shout out my little homeboy Bravo) made it all well worth it. Along with the cows we toured the campus biodigester (essentially artificial intestines) that turns waste into clean water and methane, later used to cook the food.

After a lovely breakfast, we walked to the Motmot classroom where we began our science journey. We started with a much needed review on how to use IMG and learned what our mentors have been working on—we’ll be held to pretty high standards. Then after another nice meal we brainstormed, found our project partner based on shared interests, and organized our many ideas into a comprehensible question that we presented to the group. On our many walks between the Cabinas and the main campus, some of us saw six (that’s a lot) armadillos just chilling and having a blast. They were pretty cute J

Our last adventure of the day brought us back to the dining room for some more delicious food and some (absolutely amazing) hot chocolate made with the milk from our hard work this morning. Last but not least we made our way around the campus in a night hike. We saw many different insects, including but not limited to a scorpion, tarantula, plethora of moths, and spiders galore.

Since it gets dark at six, and is now absolutely a void outside, we will be heading off to bed. Buenas Noches!

-Mari and Molly (M&M)


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